By Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik

In his own words, Professor Dr. Fredmund Malik is building "on the shoulders of the cybernetics pioneers", extending not the fundamental principles, but their systematic practical application. His books are, of course, scientific works, but his main focus is on providing help and support for management practitioners in all areas and at all levels

His particular expertise lies in his ability to go beyond the management cybernetics of Stafford Beer and to take current management theories and informative approaches from other scientific fields and integrate them on the basis of the principles of management cybernetics into his own management theories. The decisive factor for him is the functioning of models and methods practice.


Praxis des Systemorientierten Managements
Fredmund Malik (Editor)
ISBN: 3258028966
258 pages
Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern und Stuttgart, 1979


Dr. Peter Gomez
Dr. Fredmund Malik
Dr. Karl-Heinz Oeller
Prof. Dr. Fredmund Malik (Editor)
ISBN: 3-258-02374-3
1077 pages
Verlag Paul Haupt, Bern, 1974


Management Perspektiven
Fredmund Malik
3rd edition with a new preface
ISBN: 3258058989
422 pages
Verlag Paul Haupt; Bern, Stuttgart, Wien, 2001



Systemisches Management, Evolution, Selbstorganisation
Fredmund Malik
2nd revised edition
ISBN: 3258059934
421 pages
Verlag Paul Haupt; Bern, Stuttgart, Wien 2000



Strategie des Managements komplexer Systeme
Fredmund Malik
7th edition. Significantly extended after the 5th edition.
ISBN: 3258064822
589 pages
Verlag Paul Haupt; Bern, Stuttgart, Wien 2000



Managing Performing Living
Fredmund Malik
1st English edition, translation of the 12th German edition
ISBN: 3421053707
399 pages
Verlag DVA; München, Stuttgart 2000


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