The musician
There is only good or bad music,
which can be played in the right or the wrong way
"Anyone who wishes to master
complexity has to be complex himself. Anyone who wishes to avoid uncertainty
has to be able to accept its existence." Those are maxims stated by
Franz Reither, one of Germany's leading researchers into complexity, and
they represent essential prerequisites for dealing with complexity
successfully. Music is a classic example of this. The abilities needed to
conduct a large orchestra are considerably more varied than are needed to
pick out a nursery rhyme with one finger on the piano. And what conductor
would know beforehand how his orchestra and his audience are going to respond
during and after the concert?
Fredmund Malik was trained in
classical guitar from the age of eight and until he was twenty-four he played
the guitar and trombone in various groups. He was also capable of enticing a
few notes out of the saxophone and clarinet. Musically, he ranged through all
the genres: classical, folk-music, jazz, rock and pop. As well as this, he
gained some experience as a bandleader and lead singer. He earned his pocket
money from music and a year spent as a professional musician also gave him
the financial backing for his studies at university.
An orchestra is a system and the
musicians making it up are the parts of the system, which are entirely
different from it. An oboe is not a piano and a saxophone is not a guitar. A
symphony has nothing in common with its score and a note has nothing in
common with its pitch. All these differences can come together to produce a
harmonious and effective whole, but equally an unharmonious one. That both these
things are possible is what fascinates Malik.
What does it take to get an orchestra
all to play as one man and to get musicians to say things like: "We've
never played Mahler's Seventh as well as we did tonight"? That would be
the "musical" transposition of Fredmund Malik's question:
"What is right and good management?"
Suppose we change
"organization" to "orchestra". Once that has been done it
is possible to see what is going on in Fredmund Malik's mind. For him, as for
all true musicians, there is only good and bad music. He views management in
the same way: there is right management that can be done wrongly; there is
wrong management that can be done well, or even wrongly, and there is right
management that is done well. Even good music can be played wrongly and bad
music in the right way, in the same way as bad music can be played wrongly
and good can be played in the right way.
From the time he began his studies,
Fredmund Malik never touched his musical instruments again. Before one can
only be a musician for fun, one has to give up the idea of being a musician
for real.